

Game Developer | Unity, Blender | C# Coder, 3D Modeler, Animator

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I’m a passionate game developer with experience in creating a variety of games on Unity, from mobile horror puzzles to complex 3D shooters. Below are some of my key projects showcasing my skills and the unique mechanics I have developed.


Lullaby of Hunger

Description: A 3D horror shooter for PC where player navigates through the visions of a crazy ex-police officer in an old Soviet building.

Unique Mechanics: Inversive kinematics for realistic aiming and reloading, isometric and first-person camera switches, complex enemy behaviors and responses on being shot.

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Skills Learned: Animation rigging, level design, 3D modeling, animating, game settings, localization.

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The Ordinary World

Description: A 2D top-down game where player needs to earn money to leave a town in a limited amount of time by playing mini-games and interact with NPCs. Created for Tayolor Blossom.


Unique Mechanics: Complex dialogue system, NPC schedules, observer pattern, in-game mini-games.

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Skills Learned: Dialogue system development, NPC behavior design, coding and design for 2D games.

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Description: A fast-paced hardcore arcade game created in 72h for ScoreSpace Jam #28 game jam (mutation topic and necessary mechanic of leaderboards). Ranked 75th out of 176 entries.

Unique Mechanics: Player mutates by killing enemies and receiving their abilities to reach highest score among other players.

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Skills Learned: Leaderboards integration, game jam development, web platform deployment.

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Magic Assault

Description: A mobile run-and-gun game with a complex spell-casting mechanic.

Unique Mechanics: Drawing spells on screen to cast them with different elemental advantages and disadvantages.

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Skills Learned: Random level and enemy generation, complex input systems, complex elemtal system.

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Rush Hour Driver

Description: A mobile arcade racing game where player needs to avoid cars to survive as long as possible.

Unique Mechanics: Simple 3D game development, racing mechanics, boosts mechanic.

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Skills Learned: 3D game creation, racing game dynamics.

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Night at School

Description: A short mobile horror puzzle game inspired by “Granny”.

Unique Mechanics: Navmesh for enemy pathfinding, level design for horror elements.

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Skills Learned: 3D game creation, horror level design, Navmesh.

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Soul Dungeon

Description: An unfinished 2D arcade roguelike game inspired by “Soul Knight”.

Unique Mechanics: Complex AI, random level generation, scriptable objects for weapon and character data.

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Skills Learned: AI development, roguelike mechanics, scriptable objects.

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Infinite Typewriter Apes Odyssey

Description: A fun experiment to test the theory of an ape writing Shakespeare’s play given infinite time.

Unique Mechanics: Random text generation, fun experimental gameplay.

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Skills Learned: Creative coding, experimental game design.


Close Your Eyes

Description: A 2D hardcore horror puzzle with a unique eye-opening mechanic to navigate a dark world.

Unique Mechanics: Pathfinding AI, Unity lighting system, mobile joystick input.

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Skills Learned: AI pathfinding, level design, lighting effects, mobile controls.

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Gecko Game

Description: My first Unity game, a simple 2D arcade where a gecko catches flies.

Unique Mechanics: Random fly spawns, custom AI, mobile platform settings.

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Skills Learned: Unity basics, mobile game development, simple settings and shop UI.

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Other Works/Projects


I have solved many problems using C# on LeetCode, which has helped me improve my problem-solving skills and deepen my understanding of algorithms and data structures.

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I have created models of environments and characters for “Lullaby of Hunger” and other personal projects. I also created animations using Blender’s Rigify.

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Skills Learned: 3D modeling, texturing, character rigging, animation, environment design.

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Thank you for checking out my portfolio. I am always eager to take on new challenges and collaborate on exciting projects. Feel free to reach out if you are interested in working together or have any questions about my work!